Friday, 6 November 2009

Twi-sted merges with Edbrella!


Mary and I are quite excited because we're having a change that we both think will be fab!

We're merging Twi-sted, the blog that we started together, with Edbrella, my original blog.  Our good friend TwiWeasel also blogs over at Edbrella, so we're getting together to bring you a group effort.  We thought about moving the posts from here over to there, but decided that we'd leave Twi-sted so far over here and just start anew over there.

So, thank you for following us here, we really hope that you'll join us on Edbrella, if you don't already follow it.  Go on, you know you want to ;o)

As a sign of our appreciation:

Stan & Mary x

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